Welcome to 2024! The wildest Presidential Race since 1968.  President Biden has cemented his place in history as the most decent and honorable public servant in generations, stepping aside to make room for new leadership, recognizing that new voices will best be able to defend Democracy. 

Here's our theory of impact.  Political power in DC hangs on a tiny number of swing states -- Arizona, Georgia, Michigan, North Carolina, Pennsylvania, and Wisconsin.  Those states will swing on a handful of bellwether districts.  We plan to support the 10-15 most important races in the country.  These are the purple House Districts in the purple states.  If we win these races, we will defend the Senate, and push a new leader of the Democracts into the White House.  

For now, our ActBlue page only includes races where the nominee has been decided.  But primaries will be over soon, so we'll add those races on July 31 for AZ, August 7 for MI, and August 14 for Wisconsin.  

The Races:

A few of the races that fit our model -- in Arizona, Wisconsin and Michigan still have competitive primaries.  We'll add races as those primaries are concluded and as the political landscape develops. 

We're currently targeting 9 House races: six of the most important incumbents in Swing States in Pennsylvania, Nevada, North Caroline, and Maine; as well as a key opportunities to pick up Republican seats in the suburbs of Pittsburgh, PA and Tucson, AZ, and to defend an open seat in Michigan where Elissa Slotkin is now running for Senate.  

Defend These Seats

New Leaders in Congress

Join us!

We're the New Congress Fund.  We're dedicated to an analytical approach to Democratic fundraising, targeting our dollars at races that will have the largest impact on political power in Washington, DC.  In 2018, that meant supporting 11 House challengers that were most likely to be the tipping point for House Democratic Control.  In 2020, we ran three efforts: early in the cycle, we ran the largest single event to support vulnerable house freshman and in the fall of 2020 we raised money for  15 close House races in the purplest states -- helping vulnerable Dems and pushing Biden into the White House.  2022 we were back to trying to 

2024 is already the wildest Presidential election since 1968, and yet the field of swing states and swing districts is narrower than ever.   Still we're committed to the highest impact political giving.